PN Tangerang Rejects Class Action Lawsuit, Revitalizing Kutabumi Market

Tangerang Regency, GLOBALPOSNEWS.COM – Perumda Pasar Niaga Kerta Raharja (NKR) Tangerang Regency confirmed that it will continue the process of revitalizing Kutabumi Market following the decision of the Tangerang District Court (PN). pN Tangerang rejects the class action lawsuit requesting the closure of the market and the revitalization of Kutabumi Market.
“Thank God, the results of the Tangerang District Court’s decision are a bright spot for us to continue the process of revitalizing Kutabumi Market,” said the Main Director of Perumda Pasar NKR, Finny Widiyanti, Thursday (02/11/2023).
Previously, the Civil Class Action Lawsuit Number 858/tdt.g/2023/PN-Tangerang dated 31 October 2023 stated that the lawsuit regarding the termination of the plan to close the market and revitalize Kutabumi Market was rejected by PN-Tangerang.
the results of the interlocutory decision in the civil lawsuit Class Action Lawsuit No. 858/Pdt.G/2023/PN TNG dated 31 October 2023
- Declare a class action lawsuit
- Declare that the case examination cannot continue
- Sentenced the plaintiffs to pay in this case the amount of court costs amounting to Rp. 444,000 (four hundred and forty four rupiah).
With these positive results, Finny expressed his gratitude to all parties who have provided support to Perumda Pasar NKR Tangerang Regency.
He hopes that this revitalization process can run smoothly so that traders and the public can shop comfortably at Kutabumi Market. Expressions of thanks are also addressed specifically to the Acting Regent of Tangerang, Dr. Andi Ony who is also the Capital Holding Attorney (KPM), Regional Secretary of Tangerang Regency Moch. Maesyal Rasyid, Supervisory Board Team, Regency Regional Government Legal Team and Perumda Pasar NKR Deden Syukron, SH, MH.
“They always provide guidance to us and PT partners. Sarana Niaga Nusantara which is jointly fighting in a class action lawsuit. Remember our leadership’s message, that the implementation of the revitalization process must be carried out humanely and in accordance with existing regulations. “This message will continue to be a reference for us,” he said (Agus/Rls)